On 21 March 2024, François Martineau gave a lecture at the Sorbonne to students at the Collège de Droit on the subject of “L’art de la persuasion: histoires judiciaires” (The Art of Persuasion: Judicial Histories). The lecture provided an opportunity to discuss classical rhetoric and its history with the students, using examples from past and present cases.
Following the death of the former Minister of Justice of France, Robert BADINTER, read the emotional tribute by Jean-Yves DUPEUX, with whom he worked :
Jean-Yves DUPEUX has also been invited by France Culture ( ) and France Inter ( ) to share some of his memories and experiences with Robert BADINTER..
“LUSSAN is pleased to announce a webinar on artificial intelligence on November 10 from 12pm to 1:30pm organized by JIMINI and EDHEC and in which LUSSAN is a partner.
The theme of this webinar, in which Étienne Gastebled will participate, will be “Creation of a trusted generative AI for law firms and their clients” (création d’une IA générative de confiance pour les cabinets d’avocats et leurs clients ) with as first episode : Stakes, expectations and demonstration around a legal AI.”
Étienne GASTEBLED published an article entitled ” L’indispensable legal privilege à la française au nom du droit de ne pas s’auto-incriminer “ (“The essential French legal privilege in the name of the right not to incriminate oneself”) following the text recognising the confidentiality of in-house counsel’s consultations, voted by the French Parlement at the beginning of the summer, and of which the final text of the bill, resulting from the ” commission mixte paritaire “, has just been published.
This article was posted by the ANJB (Association Nationale des Juristes de Banques).
On the occasion of the Cohen-Sabban Nogueras case, François Martineau returns in his article “Question de rhétorique : l’avocat, ni supplétif, ni auxiliaire du juge !” to the status of the lawyer, auxiliary of justice and not substitute of the judges.
François Martineau published an article entitled: “Des chiffres et de l’être” in which he denounces the problem of discrepancies in the number of demonstrators who took part in a march; to be found in the Gazette du palais of Tuesday 25 April 2023, n° 14.